
Dry July NZ Trust

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Bart Couprie
4th Year
Kay-Anne Joe
2nd Year
Kate Fitzpatrick
3rd Year
Clive Levido
4th Year
Tess Brownlie
5th Year
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About Us

Dry July 2024 is proudly supporting : • Look Good Feel Better - Ensures any person facing cancer can access free, practical programmes to help them face cancer with confidence. • PINC & STEEL NZ - Supports people in their recovery from cancer treatment through their rehabilitation and exercise programmes. • Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ - Provides support services for men and their families affected by prostate cancer, including a freephone information line, a free counselling service, a nationwide network of support groups and Prost-FIT classes. See below stories of how these organisations will utilise the funds raised to help those affected by cancer.

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By participating in Dry July and raising funds, you will be helping people like John access Pinc & Steel New Zealand's incredible community programs like Paddle On

When John was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer, there were no other indicators besides frequently needing to go to the toilet. After surgery and a prostatectomy, they realised that John’s cancer had gone beyond the prostate.

After having to go on a hormone treatment, John was aware that one of the side effects was the depletion of your upper body strength.

After having an initial assessment with one of Pinc & Steel’s physiotherapists, John quickly got involved with Paddle On – a stand up paddle rehabilitation program, for men and woman recovering from all types of cancer.

“Gradually with the support of the physiotherapists and the instructors, I started to discover what I could do - gaining strength, confidence and balance”.

“Paddle On for me was strength, support, fellowship and finding myself as an individual with potential again, rather than a cancer patient”. ❤️

By signing up and raising funds for Dry July, you will be helping to support the care and wellbeing of people like Hope

40-year old mother of two, Hope, was a fit and healthy woman when she found out she had Bowel Cancer. Initially, doctors had said Hope was “too healthy” and “too young” when she first noticed the bleeding.

Hope soon found out that there’s no such thing as “too young” or “too healthy” when it comes to bowel cancer. Living in pain as her symptoms worsened over time, Hope was eventually diagnosed with bowel cancer at the Charity Hospital in Christchurch.

Not long after, Hope and her aunt joined Bowel Cancer New Zealand's online support network - with their first visit to the online forum having a significant impact.

“As I read the stories and comments, I immediately started feeling less alone. I’d go to the support group and hear the real-life stories of those affected by the disease.”

Hope's health battle has taken a mental toll just as much as it has physically, which is why she also applied to Bowel Cancer New Zealand to receive free counselling.

By signing up and raising funds for Dry July, you will be helping to support the care and wellbeing of people like Hope, enabling Bowel Cancer New Zealand to provide these incredible services for people affected by bowel cancer. 💚

Read Hope's full story here: 

Thanks to Dry July, Look Good Feel Better NZ was able to extend the practical advice and tips it offers to its participants

In April we launched 3 new online classes: Managing Hair Loss & Regrowth, Brow Focus and Hand & Nailcare. These classes add to our existing online programme, where we encourage our participants to access as many classes as they wish, whenever they need the advice. They can still attend their local community class too!

We are fortunate to have Grant Betjemann, a professional hairdresser, who has experience helping some of his clients manage the often emotional and traumatic process of losing their hair due to treatment. His is supported by Cheryl, who has experienced hair loss so can share her personal experience and tips during the class.

These classes have proved popular and are helping any one, diagnosed with any cancer, at any stage face it with confidence.

Dry July funds supported Look Good Feel Better NZ launching online classes for Men.

Participant to Speaker to Facilitator!

These classes are run every month for any man at any stage of their diagnosis. Men are encouraged to join as many classes as they wish to.

Paul attended his first Look Good Feel Better “Feel Stronger Live Better” class last September 2020, after hearing about it through his local men’s cancer support group in New Plymouth (Men Can Talk).

These classes include an inspirational guest speaker which the guys can “chew the fat with” and receive some “take away” of value they can use in their life. We are fortunate to have had a great line up of speakers including Dr John Mayhew, Lance Burdett and Jake Bailey.

Paul is an advocate for improving lives of people with cancer and from his own personal need to adjust and re-establish direction in his life has produced and delivers a course called “Reset your New Normal”. So we asked him to be the guest speaker last November where he shared his open, honest and practical advice and experience to facing cancer/life with confidence.

Paul was a knowledgeable and friendly speaker – he ‘got it’. We were very happy when he agreed to be one of our men’s class facilitators. He ran his first LGFB men’s class last month that was well attended by over 20 guys (half from his men’s gym group!)

By signing up to Dry July and raising funds, you’ll be helping people like Doug access fitness classes, designed for men affected by prostate cancer.

Four years ago, Doug, a retired engineer and diabetic, was getting his regular three-monthly blood tests, where they noticed some irregular results. He was quickly referred to a specialist where they performed a biopsy and discovered that Doug had prostate cancer.

After having gone through various treatments, Doug noticed several side effects, including hot flushes and a reduction in muscle strength, where he was struggling to bend down.

This is when Doug got involved with Prost-FIT classes, a weekly fitness class run by specially trained exercise professionals and designed specifically for men living with prostate cancer. Doug is now attending two classes a week, one based on boxing and the other Tai Chi.

“I have noticed a big difference since I started doing the Prost-FIT classes. I feel stronger and more flexible which means I can now bend all the way down again”.

“Not only can it improve physical fitness, but the classes also have a major positive effect on mental wellbeing too”.

Read Doug's full story here:

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