
Dry July NZ Trust

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About Us

Dry July 2024 is proudly supporting : • Look Good Feel Better - Ensures any person facing cancer can access free, practical programmes to help them face cancer with confidence. • PINC & STEEL NZ - Supports people in their recovery from cancer treatment through their rehabilitation and exercise programmes. • Prostate Cancer Foundation NZ - Provides support services for men and their families affected by prostate cancer, including a freephone information line, a free counselling service, a nationwide network of support groups and Prost-FIT classes. See below stories of how these organisations will utilise the funds raised to help those affected by cancer.

Latest Updates

New Chemotherapy Chairs for Auckland City Hospital

Auckland City Hospital purchased 30 new chemotherapy chairs with funds from Dry July 2012.

Before these new chairs patients sat in furniture that resembled 1980s recliners, or in hospital beds. The new chemotherapy chairs have the ability to lay flat so patients, if need be, can lie down to help with comfort. The hospital has also purchased 25 visitor chairs for their cancer wards to ensure family and friends can be suitably accomodated, while patients recieve chemotherapy treatment for up to six hours at a time.

Here’s what Caitlin (pictured) has to say about the chairs:

“The new chairs have made such a positive difference to my experience in hospital during the long hours of chemotherapy. Before we were gifted the fancy new chairs by the Dry July organisation I was instead in a hospital bed all day which is a huge contrast to the versatility and comfort of the new chairs. Their ability to change into a variety of positions from being fully laid out for the times when you want to sleep all the way to completely upright is a real blessing, not to mention you don’t have to move a muscle to change the position of the chair as it is electrical!”

Atrium Renovation at Northern Regional Cancer and Blood Service

The Auckland City Hospital is using funds from Dry July 2012 to revamp the Northern Regional Cancer and Blood Service building atrium. This will make the entry way to the centre more inviting for cancer patients and their families, as well as become a space for patients to get away from the hospital environment and feel as though they’re outdoors.

The atrium will be filled with the natural colours and aromas of indigenous plants and flowers, a perfect place for healing and reflection.

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