
Get some tips this Dry July!

I think I can

By Cassandra Dunn on

by Cassandra Dunn, Clinical Psychologist for 28bysamwood.com 

Motivation mantras and myths

You’ve set a goal and you’re fired up to achieve it. For the first few days of any challenge, motivation and mood levels are high and you’re confident you’re going to smash your goals. But if you think you can rely on your motivation to get you through a challenge, think again.

The truth about motivation is that it won’t always show up when you need it, so absolutely do not rely on it.

Any psychologist will tell you that along the path to making permanent change you will strike periods of ambivalence. This is completely normal. Your challenge is to just keep going even if it feels like your head is not entirely in it. Your mantra needs to be “...

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Who Needs A Healthy Liver?

By Dr Cris Beer on

For the first few years that I worked as a general practitioner I had understimated the liver's significant role in the general wellbeing of my patients. I had learnt that the liver was important from a physiological point of view and that it helped keep us alive, but I hadn't fully considered how it keeps us feeling well on a day-to-day basis.

I had been taught how to detect liver-function abnormalities in blood testing and how to feel for an enlarged or tender liver - all signs of obvious and severe liver damage. But as for understanding liver damage well before any obvious clinical signs begin to show, I was completely in the dark. I had seen severe liver damage from chronic alcoholism and from liver disease such as hepatitis, but the...

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Why Am I Not Losing Weight

By Claudia Beyer on

You work out five or more times a week, eat a healthy diet, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t shift any weight? Claudia Beyer, personal trainer from BareVitality and Author of “Your Holistic Metabolism“, says that diet and exercise are just the beginning. 

Many female clients come to me feeling like they’re at a dead end. They are exhausted from their efforts and don’t know what to do.

So why isn’t it working? First of all, you need to understand that your body is a holistic system. If one area of your health or lifestyle is out of balance, it affects all the other systems. For example, If your hormones are playing up, this can affect your metabolism and your ability to lose or maintain your “ideal”...

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Surviving Dry July

By Cassandra Dunn on

It’s that time of year again, when thousands of Australians pledge to give up alcohol for 31 days and raise funds to support people living with cancer. There’s no question that it’s a great cause and for many of us, a major challenge.

If you’re thinking of signing up, but find the thought of a month without alcohol a little daunting, you wouldn’t be alone. It’s important to be realistic in your expectations and accept that there will be difficult moments, because if you assume your early burst of motivation will keep you going for the month, you could be taken off guard at that inevitable moment when an alcohol craving hits you.

Here are a few strategies that should help you sail through an alcohol-free month…

Know your WHY

Sticking to...

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Tips for Dry July

By Sam Wood on

So many of us are ALL or NOTHING, so what better time than Dry July to get moving more, eating better and thinking straight? 

Say goodbye to the booze (and hello to a Sunday morning).

It's not about never drinking again. It's about raising funds for people affected by cancer, all while being the much needed catalyst for your own health and wellbeing.

The number one reason people don't look after themselves is time. When we give up the booze, we tend to have an abundance of time! It's what we do with it that counts, so here are a few tips:

Start and finish each day with a big glass of… water.

Instead of being a little dehydrated this July, your body will can be a well-oiled (read: watered) machine and it’ll love you for it.


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Mindfulness in Business

By Geraldine Coren on

Mindfulness is developed through simple and easy-to-use practises that can give us insight into ourselves, our attitudes and brings more objectivity and self-mastery to our lives. 

Allowing time for mindfulness in the work environment will help us move away from working on 'automatic pilot', to recognise our reactions and what triggers them to help us make better decisions, reduce stress levels, increase focus and concentration and improve performance.

Try incorporating the following mindfulness practises into your workplace environment.

Try returning

Mindfulness is the act of bringing conscious intentional awareness to everyday life. People who practise mindfulness are more productive, less stressed and experience positive...

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What is Wellness Coaching?

By Mel Ingram on

If we define wellness as the balance of body, mind and spirit, living successfully and ageing gracefully, then wellness coaching is the process by which we gain all of that. We are obviously very familiar with the use of coaching in sport but the role of a wellness coach differs in that there are more subtle methods used that don’t involve ranting and raving, or even giving ‘advice’. Rather a wellness coach will support, encourage and facilitate change in the direction you would like to move. It is often about the introduction of healthy behaviours and includes small steps towards implementing healthy behaviours into a lifestyle often already crammed full of ‘other stuff’.

Who can benefit from Wellness Coaching?

Often the self motivated...

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5 Cleansing Yoga Poses

By Claire Obeid on

There is a reason why we feel the need to clean our homes post-winter. There is alot of dampness, mould, dust and general waste that builds up when we are in a confined space taking shelter from the cold.

Our bodies do much the same. Junk builds up within us that needs some serious detoxing. We cleanse through three of the body's main systems. The circulatory system pumps blood throughout the body – taking oxygen to cells whilst carrying the waste away. The digestive system processes the food we eat – absorbing the nutrients we need and eliminating anything we don’t. And then we have the lymphatic system, which collects fluid from our cells and sends it to the lymph nodes to ditch any harmful bacteria.The ...

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How to Date Without Alcohol

By Dr. Nikki Goldstein on

It seems that being single and living in Australia there is an expectation that you either like to go out drinking or when you meet another single person you might go out and meet up over a drink. Our romantic and single lives are holding hands with an alcoholic beverage. Now being a Sexologist I can tell you that one or two drinks can be great for nerves or even bedroom anxieties, but how many people do you know (including yourself) that has the ability to stop there, going further into tipsy town (or worse) doing things that might not have been done or saying things they wish they hadn't. Blame it on the alcohol? I think not, some especially women might argue that it just lowered your inhibitions and you wanted to do it/say it...

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