
Get some tips this Dry July!

What is Wellness Coaching?

By Mel Ingram on

If we define wellness as the balance of body, mind and spirit, living successfully and ageing gracefully, then wellness coaching is the process by which we gain all of that. We are obviously very familiar with the use of coaching in sport but the role of a wellness coach differs in that there are more subtle methods used that don’t involve ranting and raving, or even giving ‘advice’. Rather a wellness coach will support, encourage and facilitate change in the direction you would like to move. It is often about the introduction of healthy behaviours and includes small steps towards implementing healthy behaviours into a lifestyle often already crammed full of ‘other stuff’.

Who can benefit from Wellness Coaching?

Often the self motivated seek assistance from a wellness coach to fine tune or tweak life behaviours. In fact wellness coaching is available and beneficial to everyone. Having someone support your desire to change, help you become aware of barriers that might be in the way, work out strategies with you on how to move around your barriers and help you overcome the inner negativity that often gets in the way. It will allow you to take control of your own health and wellness by looking at the way you live and how to introduce small improvements that actually make a difference. Wellness coaching is simply a process designed to make positive choice easy to achieve - it prioritises YOUR wellness.

What will you get out of a Wellness Coaching Session?

You will take away a new sense of motivation and empowerment, as well as a plan to start implementing positive change. It will allow for barriers and provide strategies on how best to overcome them. You will feel encouraged to take responsibility for positive life choices and encourage you to better care for you.

5 benefits from Wellness Coaching:

· A positive outlook on life

· Better ability to communicate

· Feelings of gratitude

· Desire to move and be physically active

· Improved ability to adapt

Golden Door provide Wellness Coaching sessions as part of their Corporate Wellness Program and sessions are available in the mainstream 3, 5 & 7 night programs. For more information on Wellness Coaching, click here

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How I became a Meditation Convert

By Jean Flynn on

I can’t open a magazine or look at a blog these days without reading an article about mindfulness and meditation. Though neither are new ideas – Hindus have been practising these calming techniques for thousands of years – both have recently hit the mainstream and are now popular with the over-worked and ultra-frazzled. Being busy is out and deep breathing is in. Goodbye multi-tasking, hello relaxation.

I never thought I was the meditating type. It sounded very nice and everything, but – like yoga, paleo and Zumba, – just not for me. My favourite relaxation activity involved a couch, a television and a block of chocolate.

But then my eight-year-old daughter started waking up three or four times every night, terrified and unable to get...

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Managing your daily life stressors without smashing the booze

By Jaye Hoelscher on

It’s a common scenario – it’s been a long day at work, maybe you’ve worked well overtime. You’re brain fried, frustrated, emotionally and physically exhausted. 

One of the first things so many of us hear ourselves saying is: “I need a drink!” And when we get that first bevvy into us, there is this real feeling of “aahhhhhh”. A chance to breathe, relax and let go of the day’s stressors. That sigh –
that deep breathing – is something we clearly don’t need alcohol for – it’s just often we go until the end of a long day without ever taking a deep breath and allowing ourselves a moment to be still.

Breathing via different channels in the body, physiologically counteracts our stress response and begins processes to ease the nervous...

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Motivation to Exercise

By James Anderson on

This whole “exercise thing” can be so annoying. From finding the time to finding the motivation, exercise – can be a real bitch.

We both know it’s good for us, so why is it so difficult to stay on top of?

Well, I think there are 3 main problems.

Problem #1 - It’s painful.

We’re genetically wired to try and achieve pleasure whilst avoiding pain. We create a “pleasure hierarchy” for ourselves, putting the most important things first and everything else, well, who cares.

After all, which would give you more pleasure?

Staying in your warm bed on a cold winters morning or doing burpees at 6am?

So how do we overcome this?

Solution - Set goals.

Create an inspiring vision that allows you to rise above “the workout” and able to see the bigger,...

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