How your fundraising will help Bowel Cancer NZ

When Stefan was diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer at 46, he was in complete shock. “It took me by surprise: I’d been really healthy up until then. I didn’t even get colds, then I got cancer.”

“I immediately got on the Internet and came across the Bowel Cancer NZ website, which had a lot of information. It really helped me understand that this was a very common disease and that I wasn’t alone – a lot of people in New Zealand get this, and there was help and support out there. It helped me understand my symptoms better and what I was going through.”

“Bowel Cancer NZ is a network of people who really care about you and about New Zealand communities – they’ve been like a family and support network in one,” says Stefan.

Your Dry July fundraising means we can continue supporting Bowel Cancer NZ to help people like Stefan.

You can read Stefan’s full story here:

Dry July NZ Trust



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