
Get some tips this Dry July!

Regenerate a Healthy Liver

By Ashleigh Brunner on

You might be familiar with one of the following scenarios below: 

1. You’ve woken up for work with a ringing headache and are feeling about as average as Spain did in the World cup soccer. How did the end of financial year work drinks cascade into a shower of champagne or a steady flowing abundance of delicious beer?

2. The weather in Sydney had become so bitingly cold that it justifies a good hearty glass of red by the fire – every night. For every degree colder this fosters furthur justification of a) A cheeky glass of port or desert wine to top the night off or b) Some/a block of chocolate to accompany the red wine

Your lovely liver: An under valued vital organ that regulates many processes in your body. However, at this time of the year it’s starting to complain. Battered and bruised its been fighting a little too hard.

The liver has various functions within the body the main one being DETOXIFICATION. That’s right! The liver helps to purify the blood by removing toxins such as alcohol and drugs from the body. But did you know it also helps regulate hormone levels? Can you imagine what happens when it can perform this duty well? Hormones regulate everything from sleep to mood, metabolism, reproduction and immunity (to mention a few!)

The liver also works to DIGEST all your food. Fats are digested by bile in the stomach, which is a product secreted by your happy hepatic (liver) cells and transported to the gall bladder. Carbohydrates and proteins are broken down so that these nutrients can eventually be converted to ATP (energy) for use within the body.

Also wondering why when your liver has been under the pump you are more likely to come down with some mysterious flu? Well the liver is also responsible for your IMMUNITY. It plays an important role in capturing and digesting nasties such as bacterial, parasites, worn out blood cells and fungi.

So lets focus on some liver regeneration…

Number 1: Reduce your alcohol intake. Limit alcohol to weekends only or if you can, commit to a month off. Lets face it, a hot milo in front of the fire is going to be lot more nutritious; alcohol is empty calories anyway (contains basically no nutrients). Focus on average 2L of water daily which can include herbal teas such as chamomile during the day to rehydrate and filter the blood.

Number 2: Reduce highly processed foods particularly ones that are not only high in saturated fat but also salt and sugar. For example:
processed meats and fatty meats (sausages, salami, bacon), deep fried take out and fast foods, cakes and biscuits, pastries and chocolate.

Number 3: Increase your intake of linoleic acid, a polyunsaturated fat. This will aid in reducing liver inflammation. Include nuts, seeds (flaxseed particularly) and oils (e.g extra virgin olive oil) as a part of your daily diet.

Number 4: Be smart with your selection of fruits. Berries, pomegranate and grapes (I know you are already thinking wine again but the alcohol content outweighs the benefits here people!) contain ellagic acid and resveratrol, which can help to regenerate liver cells. The bitter in lemon and limes can also break down stagnant material.

After following this for a good month you liver should start to improve all its functions. Hopefully a lot of what I have recommended also becomes habitual!

Stay happy, healthy and warm.

Ash xx

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How I became a Meditation Convert

By Jean Flynn on

I can’t open a magazine or look at a blog these days without reading an article about mindfulness and meditation. Though neither are new ideas – Hindus have been practising these calming techniques for thousands of years – both have recently hit the mainstream and are now popular with the over-worked and ultra-frazzled. Being busy is out and deep breathing is in. Goodbye multi-tasking, hello relaxation.

I never thought I was the meditating type. It sounded very nice and everything, but – like yoga, paleo and Zumba, – just not for me. My favourite relaxation activity involved a couch, a television and a block of chocolate.

But then my eight-year-old daughter started waking up three or four times every night, terrified and unable to get...

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Managing your daily life stressors without smashing the booze

By Jaye Hoelscher on

It’s a common scenario – it’s been a long day at work, maybe you’ve worked well overtime. You’re brain fried, frustrated, emotionally and physically exhausted. 

One of the first things so many of us hear ourselves saying is: “I need a drink!” And when we get that first bevvy into us, there is this real feeling of “aahhhhhh”. A chance to breathe, relax and let go of the day’s stressors. That sigh –
that deep breathing – is something we clearly don’t need alcohol for – it’s just often we go until the end of a long day without ever taking a deep breath and allowing ourselves a moment to be still.

Breathing via different channels in the body, physiologically counteracts our stress response and begins processes to ease the nervous...

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Healthy Eating on the Go

By Zoe Bingley-Pullin on

Healthy eating can be tricky to maintain. While we may eat balanced meals at home, upholding the standard can be hard when we are out on weekends or during a busy work week.

It is easy to be tempted by the cheap and nutritionally empty food when we are busy and on-the-run. “Fast food” is quick, effortless and hard to resist, especially when in the company of someone who is not health-conscious.

However, the problem with fast food chains is that they promote overeating. This prevents you from digesting your food properly and is generally an unhealthy way of living.

While it is unrealistic to stick to a strict diet all of the time, it’s important to take note of exactly what we are putting into our bodies, and choose the best options...

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