
Get some tips this Dry July!

6 Food Tips to Burn Fat and Trim Down this Dry July

By Marcus Bondi on

Dry July is the perfect opportunity will create your very own healthy flat stomach! You’ll be surprised by how much you can reduce body fat by cutting out alcohol and sticking to a sensible nutrition plan.

Anyone can do it. I have trained many busy family-people to flat, strong tummy status and they range in age from 17 to over 60 and in weight from 50kg to 150kg! They all achieved a flat belly and trim waist with a simple healthy eating habit and some simple exercises. Follow this simple program to succeed!

OK, so you are healthy and everyone has abs, but no-one can actually see them if they are hidden under fat. Most people eat way in excess of what they need; too much, too often! You won’t be one of those naughty people! Hooray!

Avoid loading extra calories into your mouth. If ‘fat’ anywhere on your body is an ‘issue’, skip breakfast and walk for 30 minutes every morning to really trim down. Then, eat a healthy lunch – lean chicken, fish, veggies etc You can drink water or coffee during your fast til lunch.

Experiment with fasting for various periods (it’s easier to include sleep-time hours- hence missing breakfast for a greater total of non-eating hours) or use an ‘eating window’ of a set amount – maybe 5-6 hours per day.

But don’t worry; regardless of what your mother may insist, YOU WILL NOT STARVE if you don’t eat for 10 or 14 or 16 hours!

Our modern consumer society has been conditioned to eat a ‘big hearty breakfast’ – when most of us still have too many of calories in our stomachs from dinner the night before! Use those calories in your morning walk or run – don’t add more fat to your waistline!

Be reassured that I broke several world records in the afternoon with nothing for breakfast; just water with some magnesium.

6 food tips to trim your tummy

 Vegetable Juices – High in nutrients and low in kilojoules, hearty organic veggie juices are an ideal meal replacement for strength and vitality. Make green-leafy veggie juices a daily routine if you want your trim tummy sooner.

 Mushrooms – Mushrooms are a flat-belly magical wonder food; high in vitamins and low in kilojoules; they are one of the only foods that stay expanded in your stomach and give you that ‘full’ feeling.

Tuna in spring water – High protein, low fat; real trim food.

 Vegetables – Hellooooo vegetables!!! Eat many vegetables, very often. All the time! And drink water all the time!

 Eggs – The amino acids in eggs are converted into fat-burning muscle more efficiently than any other protein fuelled food or drink. Recent research shows that eating eggs has very little, if any, effect on blood cholesterol levels.

 Lean Chicken – High in muscle-building protein, lean chicken breast is a best friend in the kitchen.

SAY NO TO: Alcohol, white bread, white rice, white pasta, cheese, chocolate, ice-cream, sweets, chips, fries, crisps, soda/soft drinks, fast-food, processed foods/meats (bacon/sausage/salami etc), butter, margarine, commercial fruit juice, processed & packaged foods.

You can do these exercises ANYWHERE – even at home while you watch TV!

Train your tummy at least 6 times per week for about 20 mins per session. In a typical session alternate between bicycle crunches and push ups. Bicycle crunches mean you hop onto your back, put your hands lightly behind your head, then raise your shoulders and core and twist your shoulders so your elbow reaches towards your opposite knee, which you bring up towards your chest. Be sure to extend your other leg out nice and straight. Repeat!

Do not train your belly on a full stomach. Always minimise the air in your lungs, keep your abs contracted and keep your neck in a fixed position. Stop if you feel ANY pain. Seek personal professional advice before commencing any training program.

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How I became a Meditation Convert

By Jean Flynn on

I can’t open a magazine or look at a blog these days without reading an article about mindfulness and meditation. Though neither are new ideas – Hindus have been practising these calming techniques for thousands of years – both have recently hit the mainstream and are now popular with the over-worked and ultra-frazzled. Being busy is out and deep breathing is in. Goodbye multi-tasking, hello relaxation.

I never thought I was the meditating type. It sounded very nice and everything, but – like yoga, paleo and Zumba, – just not for me. My favourite relaxation activity involved a couch, a television and a block of chocolate.

But then my eight-year-old daughter started waking up three or four times every night, terrified and unable to get...

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Managing your daily life stressors without smashing the booze

By Jaye Hoelscher on

It’s a common scenario – it’s been a long day at work, maybe you’ve worked well overtime. You’re brain fried, frustrated, emotionally and physically exhausted. 

One of the first things so many of us hear ourselves saying is: “I need a drink!” And when we get that first bevvy into us, there is this real feeling of “aahhhhhh”. A chance to breathe, relax and let go of the day’s stressors. That sigh –
that deep breathing – is something we clearly don’t need alcohol for – it’s just often we go until the end of a long day without ever taking a deep breath and allowing ourselves a moment to be still.

Breathing via different channels in the body, physiologically counteracts our stress response and begins processes to ease the nervous...

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Healthy Eating on the Go

By Zoe Bingley-Pullin on

Healthy eating can be tricky to maintain. While we may eat balanced meals at home, upholding the standard can be hard when we are out on weekends or during a busy work week.

It is easy to be tempted by the cheap and nutritionally empty food when we are busy and on-the-run. “Fast food” is quick, effortless and hard to resist, especially when in the company of someone who is not health-conscious.

However, the problem with fast food chains is that they promote overeating. This prevents you from digesting your food properly and is generally an unhealthy way of living.

While it is unrealistic to stick to a strict diet all of the time, it’s important to take note of exactly what we are putting into our bodies, and choose the best options...

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