Your Dry July fundraising helps Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand support people like Chris.

Chris Ward knows only too well the benefits of going to Prostate Cancer Support Groups. So much so, the 70-year-old from Lincoln who was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2018, is now running his own Support Group for men with prostate cancer and their families.

Chris and his wife Dianne run a support group in Lincoln on the 4th Wednesday of the month that is well attended with over 40 people on their books. The Support Groups run under the guidance of the Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand, are a great way for men and their partners living with prostate cancer to tell their stories and to help people who have been recently diagnosed to navigate their way through the healthcare system and to consider the many treatment options they may have.

Your Dry July fundraising means we can continue supporting Prostate Cancer Foundation of New Zealand to help people like Chris.

You can read Chris’ full story here:

Dry July NZ Trust



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