
Not So Loose July






Raising Money For

Earlier this year, one of our team members lost her beautiful mum after a tough battle with cancer. Another of our teammates has come up against cancer herself and we're so proud to be doing Dry July alongside her.

We all have friends and whānau who have travelled this road and we're coming together this July to raise money and support those affected by cancer in Aotearoa.

9 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Lucy Wymer
Team Leader
Daniel Lipman $1,109.61
Sarah Accorsi $918.00
Kate Martinus $723.20
Georgia Burt $640.00
Tate Evans $503.80

Join Not So Loose July

Teams let you join forces with friends, family and colleagues to raise more money!

Status Updates

$45.00 from Kaitlyn Bolton

Seeing how strong you've been while going through this has been inspiring Luce.
Only small $ but hope this helps x

Love Kaity x

$26.20 from Jan Henderson

$26.20 from Amelia Sawyer

Well done team. Amazing cause xx

$25.00 from Carwen Jones

$50.00 from Lucy Wymer

Appreciate you all joining the team this year and ditching the drinks in memory of J9, having fought a battle yourself and all others affected by cancer in NZ. Nothing but love xx

$52.20 from Robyn & Steve Boler

Thank you very much!

$50.00 from Ben Nicki & Quinn

Thanks team <3

$100.00 from Heard fam

Awesome team!

Thank you!!

$15.00 from Clint Roberts

Shotty bol


$88.60 from Anonymous

So so proud of you Lucy, you're a very strong wahine <3

Thank you so much for the generous donation and kind words X

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