
Bart Couprie

Member of Team PCFNZ






Dry Day





Raising Money For

Status Updates

$30.00 from Rovine

Great work Bart and the month is not quite over! Keep rowing!!

Thanks Rovine!

$250.00 from Empire Ferguesson Lodge

Thank you so much for your donation and for your support. So motivating!

$85.00 from Sam Fagan

Wow, thank you Sammy.

$47.00 from Terry Whimp

Good stuff Bart - very happy to support your endeavours

Cheers Terry, hope you and Donna are enjoying your European trip!

$25.00 from Chris Jones

Well done Bart, you're part halfway on the downwind, homeward, leg so keep those oars moving mate.

Do you know where I can row downhill??

$25.00 from Ruth Bowater

Setting the standard, as always. Well done, Bart - go, you good thing !

Thanks Ruth, that's another bit of energy in the tank for next week!!

$88.60 from Lynette Lima

Survivor and still winning. All respect to you Bart. Kia kaha mate. You got this! salute!

Thank you so much Lynette!

$47.00 from Talei Williams

Keep up the awesome mahi Bart!! You're inspirational.

Thank you for the support Talei!

$26.20 from Katherine Burley

Keep up the hard work for a good cause!

I shall, and it is. Should have rowed home last night, would have been quicker than the bus!!

$25.00 from Boudewyn Couprie

Go Row Bro!

I did, now I feel like I have T-Rex arms....

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$2,050.40 raised

Target: $800.00


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