
Windsor Physio

Part of Pinc and Steel






Raising Money For

Windsor Physio in Invercargill are proud providers of the PINC & STEEL Cancer Rehabilitation Programme for Southlanders affected by cancer. Going 'Dry for July' raises local funds to support our patients in a 1:1 physiotherapy and exercise prescription to the running of specialised Group Exercise classes in our Pilates Studio to no cost to the patient (for the first programme they attend). These classes combine the best pilates, yoga, cardiovascular exercises for a workout that is specifically designed to rebuild strength, flexibility and stamina after cancer treatment. This is a wonderful programme to help improve the lives of Southlanders affected by Cancer !

13 Team Members View all

Avatar Name Raised
Olivia Van Schaik
Team Leader
Nick Hamlin $1,462.40
Caroline Corkill $1,252.80
Margie Morgan $473.98
Josh Hall $281.80
Raewyn Andrews $271.92

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Status Updates

$50.00 from Loren Burton


Thank you Loren, much appreciated and has helped someone access our group classes for no charge ;)

$45.00 from Sum Hui

Thanks Sum! Legend :)

$300.00 from Sarah Hutton

wanted to express such gratitude to you Olivia and the amazing team at Windsor Physio. So very grateful all the hard work and dedication you put into this beautiful programme. Thank you for making such a magnificent difference in so many life's going though cancer coming out stronger. Greatly appreciate all You're doing to support.

Thank you Sarah for your massive fundraising contribution to our Dry July and supporting our PINC & STEEL programme we run :)

$102.00 from Anthony Mortimore

Thanks Anthony, such a legend! We really appreaciate your donation :)

$47.00 from Margie Morgan

Yay Margie ! Thanks heaps ! and awesome to see you join our team this year.... HOW Exciting !

$45.00 from Luana Egerton

Aw thanks heaps Luana :) we really appreciate your kind donation to our PINC & STEEL programme so we can keep funding our future group classes!

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